Top 300 Pokémon All time most valuable, popular cards
Compiling a definitive list of 300 Pokémon cards is a complex task, but Pokestock can provide a categorized and structured list of iconic, rare, and popular Pokémon cards from various sets that are highly sought after by collectors and players. Here’s a breakdown:
1. Base Set (1999)
- Charizard (1st Edition, Shadowless)
- Blastoise (1st Edition, Shadowless)
- Venusaur (1st Edition, Shadowless)
- Pikachu (Red Cheeks)
- Alakazam (1st Edition)
- Gyarados (1st Edition)
- Raichu (1st Edition)
- Machamp (1st Edition, Shadowless)
- Mewtwo (1st Edition, Shadowless)
- Zapdos (1st Edition, Shadowless)
2. Jungle Set (1999)
- Snorlax (1st Edition, Holo)
- Scyther (1st Edition, Holo)
- Jolteon (1st Edition, Holo)
- Flareon (1st Edition, Holo)
- Vaporeon (1st Edition, Holo)
- Kangaskhan (1st Edition, Holo)
- Mr. Mime (1st Edition, Holo)
- Wigglytuff (1st Edition, Holo)
- Clefable (1st Edition, Holo)
- Pidgeot (1st Edition, Holo)
3. Fossil Set (1999)
- Dragonite (1st Edition, Holo)
- Articuno (1st Edition, Holo)
- Moltres (1st Edition, Holo)
- Zapdos (1st Edition, Holo)
- Gengar (1st Edition, Holo)
- Kabutops (1st Edition, Holo)
- Lapras (1st Edition, Holo)
- Aerodactyl (1st Edition, Holo)
- Raichu (1st Edition, Holo)
- Muk (1st Edition, Holo)
4. Team Rocket Set (2000)
- Dark Charizard (1st Edition, Holo)
- Dark Blastoise (1st Edition, Holo)
- Dark Dragonite (1st Edition, Holo)
- Dark Raichu (Secret Rare)
- Dark Alakazam (1st Edition, Holo)
- Dark Gyarados (1st Edition, Holo)
- Dark Magneton (1st Edition, Holo)
- Dark Machamp (1st Edition, Holo)
- Dark Hypno (1st Edition, Holo)
- Rainbow Energy (1st Edition, Holo)
5. Neo Genesis Set (2000)
- Lugia (1st Edition, Holo)
- Typhlosion (17/111, 1st Edition, Holo)
- Feraligatr (5/111, 1st Edition, Holo)
- Meganium (10/111, 1st Edition, Holo)
- Pichu (1st Edition, Holo)
- Togetic (1st Edition, Holo)
- Ampharos (1st Edition, Holo)
- Kingdra (1st Edition, Holo)
- Slowking (1st Edition, Holo)
- Steelix (1st Edition, Holo)
6. Neo Discovery Set (2001)
- Umbreon (1st Edition, Holo)
- Espeon (1st Edition, Holo)
- Houndoom (1st Edition, Holo)
- Tyranitar (1st Edition, Holo)
- Scizor (1st Edition, Holo)
- Smeargle (1st Edition, Holo)
- Kabutops (1st Edition, Holo)
- Hitmontop (1st Edition, Holo)
- Wobbuffet (1st Edition, Holo)
- Politoed (1st Edition, Holo)
7. Neo Revelation Set (2001)
- Shining Magikarp
- Shining Gyarados
- Ho-Oh (1st Edition, Holo)
- Raikou (1st Edition, Holo)
- Entei (1st Edition, Holo)
- Suicune (1st Edition, Holo)
- Celebi (1st Edition, Holo)
- Misdreavus (1st Edition, Holo)
- Ampharos (1st Edition, Holo)
- Magneton (1st Edition, Holo)
8. E-Series (2002-2003)
- Crystal Charizard (Skyridge)
- Crystal Ho-Oh (Aquapolis)
- Crystal Lugia (Aquapolis)
- Crystal Celebi (Skyridge)
- Crystal Golem (Skyridge)
- Crystal Kabutops (Skyridge)
- Crystal Crobat (Skyridge)
- Espeon (Aquapolis, Holo)
- Umbreon (Skyridge, Holo)
- Gengar (Skyridge, Holo)
9. EX Series (2003-2007)
- Charizard ex (FireRed & LeafGreen)
- Blastoise ex (FireRed & LeafGreen)
- Venusaur ex (FireRed & LeafGreen)
- Rayquaza ex (EX Dragon)
- Mewtwo ex (EX Ruby & Sapphire)
- Mew ex (EX Holon Phantoms)
- Latias* (EX Deoxys, Gold Star)
- Latios* (EX Deoxys, Gold Star)
- Rayquaza* (EX Deoxys, Gold Star)
- Pikachu* (EX Holon Phantoms, Gold Star)
10. Diamond & Pearl (2007-2010)
- Level X Charizard G (Supreme Victors)
- Garchomp C Lv.X (Supreme Victors)
- Rayquaza C Lv.X (Supreme Victors)
- Mewtwo Lv.X (Legends Awakened)
- Dialga G Lv.X (Platinum)
- Palkia G Lv.X (Platinum)
- Luxray GL Lv.X (Rising Rivals)
- Uxie Lv.X (Legends Awakened)
- Giratina Lv.X (Platinum)
- Arceus (Promo)
11. Modern Sets
Sword & Shield (2020-2022)
- Charizard VMAX (Shining Fates)
- Pikachu VMAX (Rainbow, Vivid Voltage)
- Marnie (Full Art, Sword & Shield)
- Umbreon VMAX (Evolving Skies)
- Rayquaza VMAX (Evolving Skies)
- Gengar VMAX (Fusion Strike)
- Mew VMAX (Fusion Strike)
- Alt-Art Charizard V (Brilliant Stars)
- Alt-Art Lugia V (Silver Tempest)
- Giratina V (Lost Origin, Alt-Art)
Scarlet & Violet (2023+)
- Gardevoir ex (Scarlet & Violet)
- Miraidon ex (Scarlet & Violet)
- Koraidon ex (Scarlet & Violet)
- Iono (Paldea Evolved, Full Art)
- Charizard ex (Obsidian Flames)
- Mew ex (151)
- Venusaur ex (151)
- Alakazam ex (151)
- Zapdos ex (151)
- Articuno ex (151)
12. Neo Destiny Set (2002)
- Shining Charizard
- Shining Raichu
- Shining Tyranitar
- Shining Steelix
- Shining Kabutops
- Shining Mewtwo
- Shining Noctowl
- Shining Celebi
- Dark Tyranitar (1st Edition, Holo)
- Light Dragonite (1st Edition, Holo)
13. Team Magma vs. Team Aqua (2004)
- Team Magma’s Groudon (Holo)
- Team Aqua’s Kyogre (Holo)
- Team Magma’s Claydol (Holo)
- Team Aqua’s Walrein (Holo)
- Team Magma’s Camerupt (Holo)
14. EX Hidden Legends (2004)
- Registeel ex
- Regice ex
- Regirock ex
- Metagross (Holo)
- Groudon (Holo)
15. EX Team Rocket Returns (2004)
- Rocket’s Suicune ex
- Rocket’s Zapdos ex
- Rocket’s Articuno ex
- Rocket’s Scizor ex
- Rocket’s Mewtwo ex
- Dark Dragonite (Gold Star)
- Dark Tyranitar (Gold Star)
- Here Comes Team Rocket! (Secret Rare)
16. Diamond & Pearl: Secret Wonders (2007)
- Charizard (Holo)
- Blastoise (Holo)
- Venusaur (Holo)
- Gardevoir (Holo)
- Lugia (Holo)
17. Platinum Series (2009)
- Charizard G Lv.X (Supreme Victors)
- Rayquaza C Lv.X (Supreme Victors)
- Electivire FB Lv.X (Supreme Victors)
- Infernape 4 Lv.X (Rising Rivals)
- Snorlax Lv.X (Rising Rivals)
- Dialga G Lv.X (Platinum)
- Palkia G Lv.X (Platinum)
18. HeartGold & SoulSilver Series (2010)
- Lugia Legend (Top & Bottom)
- Ho-Oh Legend (Top & Bottom)
- Suicune & Entei Legend (Top & Bottom)
- Rayquaza & Deoxys Legend (Top & Bottom)
- Alph Lithograph (Secret Rare)
19. Black & White Series (2011-2013)
- Reshiram (Full Art)
- Zekrom (Full Art)
- Mewtwo EX (Next Destinies, Full Art)
- Darkrai EX (Dark Explorers, Full Art)
- Tornadus EX (Emerging Powers, Full Art)
- Keldeo EX (Boundaries Crossed, Full Art)
- Rayquaza EX (Dragons Exalted)
- Giratina EX (Dragons Exalted)
- Shaymin EX (Roaring Skies)
- N (Trainer, Full Art)
20. XY Series (2014-2016)
- Charizard EX (Flashfire, Secret Rare)
- Mega Charizard EX (X, Flashfire)
- Mega Charizard EX (Y, Flashfire)
- Blastoise EX (XY Base Set)
- Venusaur EX (XY Base Set)
- Lucario EX (Furious Fists)
- Mega Lucario EX (Secret Rare)
- Rayquaza EX (Roaring Skies)
- Shiny Rayquaza EX (Roaring Skies)
- Mewtwo EX (Breakpoint)
21. Sun & Moon Series (2017-2019)
- Charizard GX (Burning Shadows, Rainbow Rare)
- Umbreon GX (Sun & Moon Base, Rainbow Rare)
- Espeon GX (Sun & Moon Base, Rainbow Rare)
- Tapu Lele GX (Guardians Rising)
- Solgaleo GX (Sun & Moon Base, Rainbow Rare)
- Lunala GX (Sun & Moon Base, Rainbow Rare)
- Pikachu & Zekrom GX (Tag Team, Full Art)
- Reshiram & Charizard GX (Tag Team, Rainbow Rare)
- Gengar & Mimikyu GX (Tag Team, Rainbow Rare)
- Mewtwo & Mew GX (Unified Minds, Rainbow Rare)
22. Sword & Shield Series (2020-2022)
- Zacian V (Sword & Shield, Full Art)
- Zamazenta V (Sword & Shield, Full Art)
- Pikachu VMAX (Vivid Voltage, Rainbow Rare)
- Charizard VMAX (Shining Fates, Shiny Vault)
- Eternatus VMAX (Shining Fates, Gold)
- Rayquaza VMAX (Evolving Skies, Alt-Art)
- Umbreon VMAX (Evolving Skies, Alt-Art)
- Sylveon VMAX (Evolving Skies, Alt-Art)
- Giratina V (Lost Origin, Alt-Art)
- Arceus VSTAR (Brilliant Stars, Gold)
23. Scarlet & Violet Series (2023+)
- Miraidon EX (Scarlet & Violet)
- Koraidon EX (Scarlet & Violet)
- Iono (Paldea Evolved, Full Art)
- Charizard EX (Obsidian Flames)
- Mew EX (151)
- Alakazam EX (151)
- Gardevoir EX (Scarlet & Violet)
- Venusaur EX (151)
- Zapdos EX (151)
- Articuno EX (151)
24. Promos and Special Releases
- Pikachu Illustrator (1998 Promo)
- Trophy Kangaskhan (1998 Promo)
- No. 1 Trainer (1999 Promo)
- No. 2 Trainer (1999 Promo)
- Tropical Mega Battle (1999 Promo)
- Ancient Mew (Movie Promo)
- Birthday Pikachu (Black Star Promo)
- Gold Star Espeon (POP Series 5)
- Gold Star Umbreon (POP Series 5)
- Pikachu VMAX (Celebrations, Gold)
25. Additional Popular Cards
- Shiny Charizard (Hidden Fates)
- Shiny Umbreon (Hidden Fates)
- Shiny Sylveon (Hidden Fates)
- Shiny Mewtwo (Hidden Fates)
- Full Art Cynthia (Hidden Fates)
26. Vintage and Rare Cards
- Base Set Pikachu (Red Cheeks)
- Holo Machamp (1st Edition)
- Dark Magneton (Team Rocket, Holo)
- Erika’s Venusaur (Gym Challenge, Holo)
- Blaine’s Charizard (Gym Challenge, Holo)
- Rocket’s Mewtwo (Gym Challenge, Holo)
- Misty’s Gyarados (Gym Heroes, Holo)
- Sabrina’s Alakazam (Gym Challenge, Holo)
- Giovanni’s Persian (Gym Challenge, Holo)
- Rocket’s Zapdos (Gym Challenge, Holo)
27. Special Modern Cards
- Shiny Greninja (Celebrations)
- Charizard V (Champions Path)
- Alt-Art Blaziken VMAX (Chilling Reign)
- Alt-Art Moltres V (Chilling Reign)
- Alt-Art Articuno V (Chilling Reign)
28. Hidden Fates (2019)
- Shiny Charizard GX
- Shiny Umbreon GX
- Shiny Sylveon GX
- Shiny Rayquaza GX (Premium Collection)
- Shiny Mewtwo GX
- Shiny Greninja GX
- Shiny Gardevoir GX
- Shiny Ho-Oh GX
- Shiny Darkrai GX
- Shiny Scizor GX
29. Celebrations (2021)
- Charizard (Classic Collection, Base Set Reprint)
- Blastoise (Classic Collection, Base Set Reprint)
- Venusaur (Classic Collection, Base Set Reprint)
- Shining Magikarp (Classic Collection)
- Gold Mew (Celebrations, Secret Rare)
- Birthday Pikachu (Classic Collection)
- Rocket's Zapdos (Classic Collection)
- Dark Gyarados (Classic Collection)
- Tapu Lele GX (Classic Collection)
- Umbreon Gold Star (Classic Collection)
30. Shining Legends (2017)
- Shining Mew
- Shining Lugia
- Shining Rayquaza
- Shining Genesect
- Shining Celebi
- Mewtwo GX (Secret Rare, Laboratory Art)
- Raichu GX
- Zoroark GX
- Entei GX
- Shining Volcanion
31. Evolving Skies (2021)
- Umbreon VMAX (Alt-Art)
- Rayquaza VMAX (Alt-Art)
- Sylveon VMAX (Alt-Art)
- Glaceon VMAX (Alt-Art)
- Leafeon VMAX (Alt-Art)
- Dragonite V (Alt-Art)
- Espeon VMAX (Alt-Art)
- Gyarados V (Full Art)
- Noivern V (Alt-Art)
- Duraludon VMAX (Alt-Art)
32. Fusion Strike (2021)
- Mew VMAX (Alt-Art)
- Gengar VMAX (Alt-Art)
- Espeon VMAX (Alt-Art)
- Genesect V (Alt-Art)
- Inteleon VMAX (Secret Rare)
33. Obsidian Flames (2023)
- Charizard ex (Terastal, Fire Crystal Holo)
- Tyranitar ex (Full Art)
- Dragonite ex (Full Art)
- Revavroom ex (Full Art)
- Pidgeot ex (Full Art)
34. Scarlet & Violet—151 (2023)
- Mew ex (Alt-Art)
- Venusaur ex (Full Art)
- Charizard ex (Alt-Art)
- Blastoise ex (Full Art)
- Zapdos ex (Full Art)