Top 300 Pokémon All time most valuable, popular cards

Compiling a definitive list of 300 Pokémon cards is a complex task, but Pokestock can provide a categorized and structured list of iconic, rare, and popular Pokémon cards from various sets that are highly sought after by collectors and players. Here’s a breakdown:

1. Base Set (1999)

  1. Charizard (1st Edition, Shadowless)
  2. Blastoise (1st Edition, Shadowless)
  3. Venusaur (1st Edition, Shadowless)
  4. Pikachu (Red Cheeks)
  5. Alakazam (1st Edition)
  6. Gyarados (1st Edition)
  7. Raichu (1st Edition)
  8. Machamp (1st Edition, Shadowless)
  9. Mewtwo (1st Edition, Shadowless)
  10. Zapdos (1st Edition, Shadowless)

2. Jungle Set (1999)

  1. Snorlax (1st Edition, Holo)
  2. Scyther (1st Edition, Holo)
  3. Jolteon (1st Edition, Holo)
  4. Flareon (1st Edition, Holo)
  5. Vaporeon (1st Edition, Holo)
  6. Kangaskhan (1st Edition, Holo)
  7. Mr. Mime (1st Edition, Holo)
  8. Wigglytuff (1st Edition, Holo)
  9. Clefable (1st Edition, Holo)
  10. Pidgeot (1st Edition, Holo)

3. Fossil Set (1999)

  1. Dragonite (1st Edition, Holo)
  2. Articuno (1st Edition, Holo)
  3. Moltres (1st Edition, Holo)
  4. Zapdos (1st Edition, Holo)
  5. Gengar (1st Edition, Holo)
  6. Kabutops (1st Edition, Holo)
  7. Lapras (1st Edition, Holo)
  8. Aerodactyl (1st Edition, Holo)
  9. Raichu (1st Edition, Holo)
  10. Muk (1st Edition, Holo)

4. Team Rocket Set (2000)

  1. Dark Charizard (1st Edition, Holo)
  2. Dark Blastoise (1st Edition, Holo)
  3. Dark Dragonite (1st Edition, Holo)
  4. Dark Raichu (Secret Rare)
  5. Dark Alakazam (1st Edition, Holo)
  6. Dark Gyarados (1st Edition, Holo)
  7. Dark Magneton (1st Edition, Holo)
  8. Dark Machamp (1st Edition, Holo)
  9. Dark Hypno (1st Edition, Holo)
  10. Rainbow Energy (1st Edition, Holo)

5. Neo Genesis Set (2000)

  1. Lugia (1st Edition, Holo)
  2. Typhlosion (17/111, 1st Edition, Holo)
  3. Feraligatr (5/111, 1st Edition, Holo)
  4. Meganium (10/111, 1st Edition, Holo)
  5. Pichu (1st Edition, Holo)
  6. Togetic (1st Edition, Holo)
  7. Ampharos (1st Edition, Holo)
  8. Kingdra (1st Edition, Holo)
  9. Slowking (1st Edition, Holo)
  10. Steelix (1st Edition, Holo)

6. Neo Discovery Set (2001)

  1. Umbreon (1st Edition, Holo)
  2. Espeon (1st Edition, Holo)
  3. Houndoom (1st Edition, Holo)
  4. Tyranitar (1st Edition, Holo)
  5. Scizor (1st Edition, Holo)
  6. Smeargle (1st Edition, Holo)
  7. Kabutops (1st Edition, Holo)
  8. Hitmontop (1st Edition, Holo)
  9. Wobbuffet (1st Edition, Holo)
  10. Politoed (1st Edition, Holo)

7. Neo Revelation Set (2001)

  1. Shining Magikarp
  2. Shining Gyarados
  3. Ho-Oh (1st Edition, Holo)
  4. Raikou (1st Edition, Holo)
  5. Entei (1st Edition, Holo)
  6. Suicune (1st Edition, Holo)
  7. Celebi (1st Edition, Holo)
  8. Misdreavus (1st Edition, Holo)
  9. Ampharos (1st Edition, Holo)
  10. Magneton (1st Edition, Holo)

8. E-Series (2002-2003)

  1. Crystal Charizard (Skyridge)
  2. Crystal Ho-Oh (Aquapolis)
  3. Crystal Lugia (Aquapolis)
  4. Crystal Celebi (Skyridge)
  5. Crystal Golem (Skyridge)
  6. Crystal Kabutops (Skyridge)
  7. Crystal Crobat (Skyridge)
  8. Espeon (Aquapolis, Holo)
  9. Umbreon (Skyridge, Holo)
  10. Gengar (Skyridge, Holo)

9. EX Series (2003-2007)

  1. Charizard ex (FireRed & LeafGreen)
  2. Blastoise ex (FireRed & LeafGreen)
  3. Venusaur ex (FireRed & LeafGreen)
  4. Rayquaza ex (EX Dragon)
  5. Mewtwo ex (EX Ruby & Sapphire)
  6. Mew ex (EX Holon Phantoms)
  7. Latias* (EX Deoxys, Gold Star)
  8. Latios* (EX Deoxys, Gold Star)
  9. Rayquaza* (EX Deoxys, Gold Star)
  10. Pikachu* (EX Holon Phantoms, Gold Star)

10. Diamond & Pearl (2007-2010)

  1. Level X Charizard G (Supreme Victors)
  2. Garchomp C Lv.X (Supreme Victors)
  3. Rayquaza C Lv.X (Supreme Victors)
  4. Mewtwo Lv.X (Legends Awakened)
  5. Dialga G Lv.X (Platinum)
  6. Palkia G Lv.X (Platinum)
  7. Luxray GL Lv.X (Rising Rivals)
  8. Uxie Lv.X (Legends Awakened)
  9. Giratina Lv.X (Platinum)
  10. Arceus (Promo)

11. Modern Sets

Sword & Shield (2020-2022)

  1. Charizard VMAX (Shining Fates)
  2. Pikachu VMAX (Rainbow, Vivid Voltage)
  3. Marnie (Full Art, Sword & Shield)
  4. Umbreon VMAX (Evolving Skies)
  5. Rayquaza VMAX (Evolving Skies)
  6. Gengar VMAX (Fusion Strike)
  7. Mew VMAX (Fusion Strike)
  8. Alt-Art Charizard V (Brilliant Stars)
  9. Alt-Art Lugia V (Silver Tempest)
  10. Giratina V (Lost Origin, Alt-Art)


Scarlet & Violet (2023+)

  1. Gardevoir ex (Scarlet & Violet)
  2. Miraidon ex (Scarlet & Violet)
  3. Koraidon ex (Scarlet & Violet)
  4. Iono (Paldea Evolved, Full Art)
  5. Charizard ex (Obsidian Flames)
  6. Mew ex (151)
  7. Venusaur ex (151)
  8. Alakazam ex (151)
  9. Zapdos ex (151)
  10. Articuno ex (151)

12. Neo Destiny Set (2002)

  1. Shining Charizard
  2. Shining Raichu
  3. Shining Tyranitar
  4. Shining Steelix
  5. Shining Kabutops
  6. Shining Mewtwo
  7. Shining Noctowl
  8. Shining Celebi
  9. Dark Tyranitar (1st Edition, Holo)
  10. Light Dragonite (1st Edition, Holo)

13. Team Magma vs. Team Aqua (2004)

  1. Team Magma’s Groudon (Holo)
  2. Team Aqua’s Kyogre (Holo)
  3. Team Magma’s Claydol (Holo)
  4. Team Aqua’s Walrein (Holo)
  5. Team Magma’s Camerupt (Holo)

14. EX Hidden Legends (2004)

  1. Registeel ex
  2. Regice ex
  3. Regirock ex
  4. Metagross (Holo)
  5. Groudon (Holo)

15. EX Team Rocket Returns (2004)

  1. Rocket’s Suicune ex
  2. Rocket’s Zapdos ex
  3. Rocket’s Articuno ex
  4. Rocket’s Scizor ex
  5. Rocket’s Mewtwo ex
  6. Dark Dragonite (Gold Star)
  7. Dark Tyranitar (Gold Star)
  8. Here Comes Team Rocket! (Secret Rare)

16. Diamond & Pearl: Secret Wonders (2007)

  1. Charizard (Holo)
  2. Blastoise (Holo)
  3. Venusaur (Holo)
  4. Gardevoir (Holo)
  5. Lugia (Holo)

17. Platinum Series (2009)

  1. Charizard G Lv.X (Supreme Victors)
  2. Rayquaza C Lv.X (Supreme Victors)
  3. Electivire FB Lv.X (Supreme Victors)
  4. Infernape 4 Lv.X (Rising Rivals)
  5. Snorlax Lv.X (Rising Rivals)
  6. Dialga G Lv.X (Platinum)
  7. Palkia G Lv.X (Platinum)

18. HeartGold & SoulSilver Series (2010)

  1. Lugia Legend (Top & Bottom)
  2. Ho-Oh Legend (Top & Bottom)
  3. Suicune & Entei Legend (Top & Bottom)
  4. Rayquaza & Deoxys Legend (Top & Bottom)
  5. Alph Lithograph (Secret Rare)

19. Black & White Series (2011-2013)

  1. Reshiram (Full Art)
  2. Zekrom (Full Art)
  3. Mewtwo EX (Next Destinies, Full Art)
  4. Darkrai EX (Dark Explorers, Full Art)
  5. Tornadus EX (Emerging Powers, Full Art)
  6. Keldeo EX (Boundaries Crossed, Full Art)
  7. Rayquaza EX (Dragons Exalted)
  8. Giratina EX (Dragons Exalted)
  9. Shaymin EX (Roaring Skies)
  10. N (Trainer, Full Art)

20. XY Series (2014-2016)

  1. Charizard EX (Flashfire, Secret Rare)
  2. Mega Charizard EX (X, Flashfire)
  3. Mega Charizard EX (Y, Flashfire)
  4. Blastoise EX (XY Base Set)
  5. Venusaur EX (XY Base Set)
  6. Lucario EX (Furious Fists)
  7. Mega Lucario EX (Secret Rare)
  8. Rayquaza EX (Roaring Skies)
  9. Shiny Rayquaza EX (Roaring Skies)
  10. Mewtwo EX (Breakpoint)

21. Sun & Moon Series (2017-2019)

  1. Charizard GX (Burning Shadows, Rainbow Rare)
  2. Umbreon GX (Sun & Moon Base, Rainbow Rare)
  3. Espeon GX (Sun & Moon Base, Rainbow Rare)
  4. Tapu Lele GX (Guardians Rising)
  5. Solgaleo GX (Sun & Moon Base, Rainbow Rare)
  6. Lunala GX (Sun & Moon Base, Rainbow Rare)
  7. Pikachu & Zekrom GX (Tag Team, Full Art)
  8. Reshiram & Charizard GX (Tag Team, Rainbow Rare)
  9. Gengar & Mimikyu GX (Tag Team, Rainbow Rare)
  10. Mewtwo & Mew GX (Unified Minds, Rainbow Rare)

22. Sword & Shield Series (2020-2022)

  1. Zacian V (Sword & Shield, Full Art)
  2. Zamazenta V (Sword & Shield, Full Art)
  3. Pikachu VMAX (Vivid Voltage, Rainbow Rare)
  4. Charizard VMAX (Shining Fates, Shiny Vault)
  5. Eternatus VMAX (Shining Fates, Gold)
  6. Rayquaza VMAX (Evolving Skies, Alt-Art)
  7. Umbreon VMAX (Evolving Skies, Alt-Art)
  8. Sylveon VMAX (Evolving Skies, Alt-Art)
  9. Giratina V (Lost Origin, Alt-Art)
  10. Arceus VSTAR (Brilliant Stars, Gold)

23. Scarlet & Violet Series (2023+)

  1. Miraidon EX (Scarlet & Violet)
  2. Koraidon EX (Scarlet & Violet)
  3. Iono (Paldea Evolved, Full Art)
  4. Charizard EX (Obsidian Flames)
  5. Mew EX (151)
  6. Alakazam EX (151)
  7. Gardevoir EX (Scarlet & Violet)
  8. Venusaur EX (151)
  9. Zapdos EX (151)
  10. Articuno EX (151)

24. Promos and Special Releases

  1. Pikachu Illustrator (1998 Promo)
  2. Trophy Kangaskhan (1998 Promo)
  3. No. 1 Trainer (1999 Promo)
  4. No. 2 Trainer (1999 Promo)
  5. Tropical Mega Battle (1999 Promo)
  6. Ancient Mew (Movie Promo)
  7. Birthday Pikachu (Black Star Promo)
  8. Gold Star Espeon (POP Series 5)
  9. Gold Star Umbreon (POP Series 5)
  10. Pikachu VMAX (Celebrations, Gold)

25. Additional Popular Cards

  1. Shiny Charizard (Hidden Fates)
  2. Shiny Umbreon (Hidden Fates)
  3. Shiny Sylveon (Hidden Fates)
  4. Shiny Mewtwo (Hidden Fates)
  5. Full Art Cynthia (Hidden Fates)

26. Vintage and Rare Cards

  1. Base Set Pikachu (Red Cheeks)
  2. Holo Machamp (1st Edition)
  3. Dark Magneton (Team Rocket, Holo)
  4. Erika’s Venusaur (Gym Challenge, Holo)
  5. Blaine’s Charizard (Gym Challenge, Holo)
  6. Rocket’s Mewtwo (Gym Challenge, Holo)
  7. Misty’s Gyarados (Gym Heroes, Holo)
  8. Sabrina’s Alakazam (Gym Challenge, Holo)
  9. Giovanni’s Persian (Gym Challenge, Holo)
  10. Rocket’s Zapdos (Gym Challenge, Holo)

27. Special Modern Cards

  1. Shiny Greninja (Celebrations)
  2. Charizard V (Champions Path)
  3. Alt-Art Blaziken VMAX (Chilling Reign)
  4. Alt-Art Moltres V (Chilling Reign)
  5. Alt-Art Articuno V (Chilling Reign)

28. Hidden Fates (2019)

  1. Shiny Charizard GX
  2. Shiny Umbreon GX
  3. Shiny Sylveon GX
  4. Shiny Rayquaza GX (Premium Collection)
  5. Shiny Mewtwo GX
  6. Shiny Greninja GX
  7. Shiny Gardevoir GX
  8. Shiny Ho-Oh GX
  9. Shiny Darkrai GX
  10. Shiny Scizor GX

29. Celebrations (2021)

  1. Charizard (Classic Collection, Base Set Reprint)
  2. Blastoise (Classic Collection, Base Set Reprint)
  3. Venusaur (Classic Collection, Base Set Reprint)
  4. Shining Magikarp (Classic Collection)
  5. Gold Mew (Celebrations, Secret Rare)
  6. Birthday Pikachu (Classic Collection)
  7. Rocket's Zapdos (Classic Collection)
  8. Dark Gyarados (Classic Collection)
  9. Tapu Lele GX (Classic Collection)
  10. Umbreon Gold Star (Classic Collection)

30. Shining Legends (2017)

  1. Shining Mew
  2. Shining Lugia
  3. Shining Rayquaza
  4. Shining Genesect
  5. Shining Celebi
  6. Mewtwo GX (Secret Rare, Laboratory Art)
  7. Raichu GX
  8. Zoroark GX
  9. Entei GX
  10. Shining Volcanion

31. Evolving Skies (2021)

  1. Umbreon VMAX (Alt-Art)
  2. Rayquaza VMAX (Alt-Art)
  3. Sylveon VMAX (Alt-Art)
  4. Glaceon VMAX (Alt-Art)
  5. Leafeon VMAX (Alt-Art)
  6. Dragonite V (Alt-Art)
  7. Espeon VMAX (Alt-Art)
  8. Gyarados V (Full Art)
  9. Noivern V (Alt-Art)
  10. Duraludon VMAX (Alt-Art)

32. Fusion Strike (2021)

  1. Mew VMAX (Alt-Art)
  2. Gengar VMAX (Alt-Art)
  3. Espeon VMAX (Alt-Art)
  4. Genesect V (Alt-Art)
  5. Inteleon VMAX (Secret Rare)

33. Obsidian Flames (2023)

  1. Charizard ex (Terastal, Fire Crystal Holo)
  2. Tyranitar ex (Full Art)
  3. Dragonite ex (Full Art)
  4. Revavroom ex (Full Art)
  5. Pidgeot ex (Full Art)

34. Scarlet & Violet—151 (2023)

  1. Mew ex (Alt-Art)
  2. Venusaur ex (Full Art)
  3. Charizard ex (Alt-Art)
  4. Blastoise ex (Full Art)
  5. Zapdos ex (Full Art)
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